dinsdag 26 oktober 2010

Things to do when you're 60

Drow just hit 60/60 yesterday (both classes within only a couple of days, yay). She's the first with 60 on both classes in our guild, but there have been a few others level 60 on one class since shortly after it was attainable. And actually some of them have been complaining that there is too little to do after hitting level 60, but I disagree.
Here is my list of things to do before I might get bored:
  • Aside from doing dailies, spend an hour of farming mobs for TP every now and then to keep leveling skills that are not maxed out yet
  • Run some more Spirit of Tempest Height and see if she can get a better hair style
  • Finish the instances the guild hasn't cleared yet (meaning most of the chapter 2 and 3 instances!) and maybe get us some better gear in the process of doing so
  • ... And perhaps maybe also win a Siege War for the first time if we can gear up :)
  • Try soloing some chapter 2 bosses
  • Level Drow's crafting skills, I've been mostly neglecting these skills since her primary class was level 20 or such
  • Get the level 50 elite skills
  • Craft the epic weapon too, just for kicks
  • Complete a Lyk set, not that Drow will have much use of it, but it will come in handy after...
  • ... Playing my alt some more, a knight/rogue who is currently level 23/19 I think, and level it up
  • Actually given his levels I should use Drow to farm/craft him a "Hochim Warrior III" set first ( that's the purple level 22 set)
By the time I am through all of the above, there might very well have been a level cap raise so I'll know what to do again even if I wouldn't come up with more things before then. Plenty of things to do when you're 60!

dinsdag 19 oktober 2010


In a moment of rashness I had the not so great idea of using an illusory hair chest that I had gotten from the Spirit of Tempest Height event some time ago.
Not having read the description all too well, I had not realized you cannot choose the hair color let alone haircut you get.

First time Drow ended up with actually the same haircut that she had before, only in a dull grey color. I ran around with it for a few hours but really didn't like it, and since I had another one of these chests I took a gamble and tried if I could end up with something better.

Here's the result of the second hair change. The haircut is a fresh look on the character, after running for months and months with the ponytail, but the new color is a bit too flashy for my liking. But at least the overall result is better than the first hair change.

(This screenshot was taken inside my house, resulting in being rather too dark. I'll have to think of moving to a brighter place next time.)